How school has failed me

School did not think that it was important to teach me how to be myself. How to embrace my uniqueness. How to stand out from the crowd. How to find my purpose in life. School taught me what was on the program for children of my age, for the degree which was available. School taught [...]

A letter to Mum and Dad

Mum and Dad had been the first persons to introduce me to the world. I would believe every single thing they told me without questioning it. In my teens I felt that I knew lot more that them and I started questioning a number of things they told me when I was younger. Now that [...]

10 ways to invest in yourself

Investing in yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself. Here are 10 ways to invest in yourself. 1. Read books, educational podcasts and blogs. Reading expand your mind and have to power to bring you where you have never been, it can give you new dreams 2. Invest in your future. Take [...]

Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone

Being an entrepreneur has become a trend. Everyone want to start her or his own business, being the boss and updating social media status. Do you think you are ready to be an entrepreneur? The reality is: Entrepreneurship isn't as glamorous as it seems Your idea will not make sens to anyone, maybe even to [...]

5 good reasons to plan your day

For the past 18 years I have lived according to my parents schedule for me. Basically, waking up, go to school till 2 PM, come back, TV, homework, bedtime and the next day was exactly the same. After high school, I had to start planning my days. Here are 5 good reasons you should plan [...]

10 useful tools

1.Start by loving yourself You will live with yourself for the rest of your life. It is not selfish you need to love yourself. The love and care you give out, you deserve it too. 2. Have a goal What are you trying to achieve in life? why are you living ? What are your [...]