What you bring on the table

A number of influencers today talk about what you bring on the table. In fact they simply mean what skills do you have? what ideas can you bring in a particular industry? what the special thing about you that will make people choose you over others?

People often get confused about this concept. The first thing to ask yourself is which table do you want to join? which industry, project, company, niche are you passionate about? Find a table which speaks to you, where you know you will add value. If there is no table available or none of the tables attract you, bring your own table. Bring up your own ideas, create your dream business. Provide a table for other people to join.

We are all different in nature. There are people who create tables for others to join and people who join tables which exist already. The choice is yours. Remember that no matter where to choose to do, make sure it makes you happy and help you be the best version of yourself.

Where do you stand: do you wanna join a table? or bring the table?

Till next Sunday

Be yourself

15 thoughts on “What you bring on the table

  1. I would say, don’t join or sit at a table for the sake of joining or sitting at a table to be “an influencer” I find that to be almost selling your soul. Find your “right table” and if that doesn’t exist, go and build your own table. Life is far too short to be sitting at a table you don’t want to be at or that isn’t really for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow Divine this is just so so so deep . If there is no available table , bring our own . This just touched me . It’s has a very deep meaning to me . Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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