13 amazing virtues by Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, he was an inventor, politician, scientist, writer and had many other qualifications. Today's article is not about his life but our attention is more on the 13 virtues he listed back in 1700s which are still tremendously relevant in the 21st [...]

The importance of controlled actions

You are free to choose your actions. You are free to be good or bad to people, free to eat junk foods every single day, free to spend your entire day doing nothing or free to burn your money for fun. You are free to choose your actions. The consequences, of being bad or good [...]

7 Amazing friends you should have in life

We need some forms of human interaction to live a happy and long life. I have talked a lot about how important it is to know your people (see related article Who are your People? ). It is important to remember that, sometimes some people in your circle are not in your corner and don't [...]

How to smash your goals

We all have a purpose fulfill here on earth. Someone once said: the greatest ideas are often found at cemetery. Millions of people die without exploring and giving life to their ideas and dreams. They rather play it safe, fit in and live life according to what society believe should be true. You owe it [...]

How you are killing your dreams

People often kill their dreams before even trying to work on them. We can make our dreams reality only if we are crazy enough to believe in their beauty and believe we can achieve them. But sadly a lot of people kill their dreams before even giving them a try. How you're killing your dreams [...]

Help Me help You better.

Human beings complete each others. You may have the next greatest solution to eradicate poverty wherever you are. As for the young generation, you have been given the opportunities to turn any kind of dream into reality. The technology era has brought countless opportunities which are just waiting to be taken. You have the capacity [...]