Les femmes Congolaises qui gagnent: Naomi Dangbele

Dans cette nouvelle series "les femmes Congolaises qui gagnent" qui dedie aux femmes de notre beau pays la RDC qui ont décide de suivre leur reves et s'eppanuissent dans ce qu'elles font. Aurjourd'hui, la première d'entre elle est une jeune femme qui ne cesse de m'inspirer, une passionnée de development personnel comme moi et une [...]

Why perfectionism is FEAR in high heels

I was recently reading a book by Elisabeth Gilbert: The big magic. In her book, she stated that perfectionism is the fancy name for fear, it is fear in high heels, wearing make up and red lipstick. A lot of people are waiting to be 100% ready to start implementing their project or launch their [...]

10+ Boosting quotes for young entrepreneurs

Sometimes, reading and listen to the persons that inspire you, boost you and keep you going. It is also important to get advice and get inspired from everywhere, don't limit yourself. Here is a compilation of 10+ motivational quotes for young entrepreneurs that will help you stay motivated and always stay focused 10+ motivational quotes [...]

15+ habits to pick up in your personal growth journey

" It is the things that you do on a daily basis that guarantee you to be a better version of yourself." Becoming a new person requires work and complete dedication after all it is your life you want to change. Start by finding out what are the things that prevent you from becoming the [...]

5+ tips to handle a busy schedule

We all reach a point in our lives where there is too many things to do but there is only little time. Have you ever reached that point? Blogging and studying at the same time sometimes become hectic with staying consistent, keeping up my school work, attending events, doing my own events and finding time [...]

How bad do you want it?

Some people try, fail and give up while others try, fail, find another way to do that and succeed. It all comes to one simple question: how bad do you want it? The key is determination. Success doesn't come cheap, mixing discipline, hard work and determination will give you what you want and even more. [...]